Invest in the STORM's PROJECT
Invest in the STORM’s PROJECT
“STORM’s PROJECT” is a team of highly skilled professionals and specialists who are involved in search & development, implementation and support of projects and techniques aimed at prolonging human life through effective technological solutions, unique products and safe and balanced relationship with the environment.

“STORM’s PROJECT” team is involved in the following areas:
obtaining energy from non-traditional renewable sources;
creation of territories (terraforming the landscape) with all the necessary infrastructure for the most autonomous habitation of large populations;
development of transport using environmentally friendly technologies for assembly, operation and disposal;
introduction of security means and systems to protect humans and flora and fauna from adverse effects of natural and man-made nature.
Why invest in "STORM's PROJECT"

A huge global market for transformation
Speaking of the market in the context of prolonging human life, we understand the vast territories
contaminated by humans. The technologies of our team allow us to turn polluted areas of land and seas
into ecologically clean spaces suitable for human settlement. At the same time, pollutants are carefully
processed and used in the energy sector, production and construction. It impacts the human life directly
and prolong it.
STORM's PROJECT has begun the phase of international expansion
Each project of the “STORM’s PROJECT” team from ready-made and in the development process can be
transformed and scaled to the interests of a particular investor, taking into account the parameters of
the selected site for implementation. LIFE PROLONGING project is a multi-billion market, which is
currently on the start stage everywhere in the World.

Investment attractiveness
The average duration of our team’s projects until the return on investment is 2 years. The financial
consultants and business analysts included in the team have a wealth of experience in managing and
controlling the financial component of our projects, which allows us to provide a personalized approach
to each investor, taking into account his interests and the amount of funds invested.
Our projects are in different formats, have attractive ROI with period from 2 to 5 years or even earlier
and can be scaled for any investment amount from few millions to multi-billions US$.
Governmental support
Because of the current after-pandemic situation, projects of STORM’s are appreciated by local and
international authorities (like UN, Worldbank, IMF, etc.). Investment of a specific investor may be
supported by significant co-investment from the local governments or international authorities.

STORM’s are welcome any kind of investor
Our team is ready to discuss any individual features of investment packet and can transform a proposal
to any significant needs of investor. CONTACT US for more details.